Please find below a list classes that I can offer or click here for a schedule of my current classes.

Vinyasa Flow

An exercise  yoga class designed to improve mobility, flexibility and keep you supple and stretched. Each week you will learn different poses and routines and link breath with creative flow sequences. This class is fun and energetic and ends with a deep relaxation.


Beginners Yoga is suitable for anyone new to yoga or for students with previous experience of yoga looking to learn and revisit the key principles of yoga and gain a regular practice.

Building on foundations of the Ashtanga Primary Series we will cover sun salutations, work on our postures and develop new variations to enhance practice and encourage relaxation. This yoga is practised at a slower and steady pace and postures are introduced step by step with breathing techniques.

Various meditation and relaxation techniques will be explored weekly paying attention to body awareness and breath. Options and modification of poses will be offered for each individual allowing everyone of all ages, strength and flexibility to progress at their own pace.

All yoga equipment is provided.

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga consists of longer held poses that are designed to gently open the body up by working into the tissue that surrounds the muscles and joints, aiding flexibility and promoting gentle release. Yin Yoga focuses on 6 movements of the spine to keep your spine healthy, whilst also working other parts of the body at the same time. Yin is practised with the use and aid of props and is mainly mat based.

Yin yoga is an excellent style of yoga to compliment more active forms of yoga and sport. This class is the perfect way to unwind both the body and mind. Holding poses for longer allows you time and space to re connect with your body and breath leaving you feeling relaxed and balanced. This is open to all levels of yoga experience.

Ashtanga Yoga

This established and popular Ashtanga Yoga class is offered to all levels and benefits anyone who wishes to develop their practice or revisit fundamental principles. Building on foundations of the Ashtanga Primary Series we will cover sun salutations, work on our postures and develop new variations to enhance practice and encourage relaxation.