"I attended Tara's online pregnancy yoga class for 5 weeks and it was really beneficial to me in so many ways"

“I attended Tara's online pregnancy yoga class for 5 weeks and it was really beneficial to me in so many ways. I was quite sceptical about doing yoga online but it actually had many benefits attending a live class! For one, you are at home so at the end of the class you can really make the most of the relaxation. You get so much more out of the class than you would watching a YouTube clip or dvd because you can ask questions and you have an expert on hand to make sure you are doing things properly. Tara also takes into account individual requests and aches and pains so it feels like it is much more personalised. I will be attending again before baby makes an appearance in 7 weeks or so! I also enjoyed the interaction with other expectant mums (especially at the moment)!”

K. Walsh